Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Book Review: The End of Infinity by Matt Myklusch

By: Matt Myklusch
Published by: Aladdin
Released on: August 7th, 2012 TODAY
Source: published book from author
Ages: 8 & up
5 stars: I LOVED IT!
Series: Jack Blank, Book #3 (final book in the series)

Jack Blank confronts his destiny in this action-packed conclusion to the trilogy Publishers Weekly calls a “no-holds-barred adventure.”

Ever since Jack Blank learned that he came from the amazing country of the Imagine Nation, he’s known that his fate could go down two very different paths—he could either be the greatest hero the world has ever known, or its greatest villain.

Now the final battle is here, and it’s time for Jack to discover the direction of his destiny.

The action-packed trilogy concludes with more surprises, twists, and adventure than ever—along with the same humor and heart that has brought so many fans to Jack’s story - quoted from Goodreads

What a fantastic series for young readers! As a parent, nothing is more satisfying than discovering a book you hope your child will pick up and enjoy every moment they spend reading it like you did. This is one series my son is anxious to start reading this year, and I can't wait for him to start it. Jack Blank's  adventures span three books, The Accidental Hero, The Secret War (the links go to my reviews for each book) and the final book in the series, The End of Infinity. What an awesome series this is! I have loved reading about Jack's journey, watching him grow as a character, and getting to be apart of his world. Everything about this series, it's characters and it's world building is simply amazing! 

Through out the entire series Jack has been overlooked many times and told he'd never amount to anything. In reality this resilient young hero proves he can do more than anyone thought he could, especially in this book. Even when the whole world, both the Imagination and the real world are against him, he finds the strength within himself to do some incredible things. I loved that about him. One of the things I loved about this series is the messages found in each book. Some of my favorites messages in the series have come from a character whom I've compared to Yoda before, because of his inspirations messages and the good he sees in Jack.  He's always giving advice to Jack, but it's also advice that readers can take to heart. This time my favorite message is from Jack, and in saying this I also feel like it shows readers just how much Jack has grown as a character.

"A hero was someone who tried to make a difference, even when everyone else thought all hope was lost. Being a hero meant putting the needs of others before your own. Being a hero meant sacrifice." (pg. 321)

Jack proves he's a hero time and time again. Similar to two other beloved children's characters, Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker, Jack Blank is a character who has some incredible odds stacked against him, and when his journey is done he realizes his future is, and has always been in his hands. He determines his own outcome. Before you roll your eyes that I'm comparing him to these greats, I've it before in talking about this series, but I'll give you a few new reasons why here. Growing up these characters are deemed as your every day kid, and some would call them nerdy, but regardless, these three have this incredible inner strength, amazing will power and that goodness about them that make them all unlikely heroes, and beloved by both kids and adults like. They each do some pretty incredible things in their own way. Though they're guided by a wise friend, it's up to each of them to find their own way and become that great person their mentor sees in them. They're all destined for great things, and capture their reader's attention, and make us as readers cheer them one. Like Harry and Luke, Jack is a character readers will relate to in some form. We've either been in his shoes or been told we'd never amount to anything, or we've been that character who was bullied, or been put in situations were we wondered how in the world we would get through it. Similar to the other two beloved heroes, Jack Blank is a new unlikely hero young fans will be rooting for, will be inspired by and will fall in love with.

Now I know this is a middle grade series, and I'm a grown up who's raving about this book/series. Let me just say, great literature, especially children's literature doesn't have a cap of what age group reads it.  This is a book and series adults will love just as much as kids. They're plenty of action and humor that readers of all ages will enjoy, and get. If you're looking for a fabulous book that the entire family can enjoy, I highly recommend picking this one up! You can be sure you'll see this on my top 10 favorite lists at the end of the year. 

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I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. ~ Anna Quindlen

Good children's literature appeals not only to
the child in the adult, but to the adult in the child.
~ Anonymous ~